5 Pros and Cons: Contractor vs. DIY

So you've watched a few YouTube clips, or maybe you've participated in a workshop at Lowe's or Home Depot. Now you think you can single-handedly tackle building a backyard deck or pouring concrete for an outdoor patio. And you are probably right... YOU CAN DO IT! But before you run to the nearest home improvement store, I thought of 5 things you should consider before you decide to forgo professional help.

#1- COST: With a Contractor, the pros are you can negotiate a set price (no surprises). The cons are that typically there is more money out of pocket. As a D.I.Y-er, the pro is that you can  eliminate labor costs. The con is you often make mistakes, because you are not a professional. Also, extended rental times and underestimating costs add up quick. This sometimes can end up costing you more than what the contractor bid.  

#2- TIME: When it comes to hiring a contractor to the project, the pro is, they can be much more efficient, thus finishing the project quicker, maybe even 3-5x's faster than you! The con side of that is some contractors are very busy, thus you may have to wait for a start date. If you decide to D.I.Y., things get done at your pace and that's a pro. But a considerable con is....things get done at your pace! How many things have you stopped and started? Been there, done that!!

#3- QUALITY: Hiring a contractor has its pros because those individuals, for the most part, have mastery of the trade in skill and knowledge. A con to consider is some contractors produce poor quality workmanship.  Be conscientious when choosing your contractor. Cheaper isn't always best! As a D.I.Y-er, the biggest pro is you can control all aspects of the project...getting things right!! However, a con is your skills and knowledge may not be adequate for the job. Can you say "Do over?!"

#4- CREATIVITY/STYLE/TRENDS: A pro for considering a contractor is, this is their vocation and area of expertise, so they will have many ideas and suggestions for the project. However, a con is that some contractors will only work with their ideas and won't, or are unable to, work with your ideas. I believe a pro to Doing It Yourself is, you know what you want more than anyone. Its your canvas to do with whatever you can dream! But the flip-side of that can be a con as your ideas may not work... such as cost, function, continuity and/or safety.

#5- SAFETY & BEST PRACTICES: Contractors have years of experience and training and that is a pro because that can help your project run smoothly. The con is that ultimately, you cannot control others choices or behavior. But be attentive and make sure they know your are watching! If you want to D.I.Y. it, remember, you know your property or work area.You know your limits and that's a pro. But the con is you may not be aware of the many dangers to avoid while working on the project.  




Kevin Freer